Luxor Solar honoured as "Top Brand PV" for solar modules.
Stuttgart, 3rd December 2020 - Recognized as the leading certification within the global solar and energy storage industry, Joint Forces for Solar & EUPD Research have extended their renowned Top Brand PV Seal.
The seal honors best-in-class players along the entire value chain for their outstanding contribution towards the development of the solar PV sector on both a country and regional level. By taking quantitative as well as qualitative factors into consideration, company profiles and industry recommendation levels derived from interviews conducted by EUPD Research & Joint Forces for Solar, candidates are identified in a thorough approach.
Luxor Solar ranks amongst the top PV brands in Slovenia according to the results of a survey carried out by EUPD Research and is entitled to display the seal. “We are extremely delighted with this certification. It proves that we have made an outstanding contribution to the local market development and we are looking forward to continuing this path together with our local customers in Slovenia. The fact that we are one of the top brands in this region confirms that our sales and business strategy is on the right track”, says Volker Leh, Managing Director of the Stuttgart-based module manufacturer.
Existing seals in the solar PV sector have so far focused solely on technical aspects of various module manufacturers. This seal is the first of its kind which symbolises the success of a brand in terms of market share, market reach, interviews with various stakeholders in the region and attitudes of customers towards a solar brand.